Tuesday, September 18, 2007


These last 24 hours have been... interesting, to say the least.

Last night I went over to Ryter's, because he's still feeling pretty awful and he needed some company. Loquelo came over as well, and we all hung out and Ryter was in pain and depressed as well, which made things worse-- he was depressed, nauseous (couldn't keep anything down), had a migraine, his whole back was seized up and as the night wore on he started to lose feeling in his hands.

After Loquelo left but before I did, Ryter threw up what little he had choked down that day, so I took him to the emergency room. We were there until 12:30 or so, though we could have left much earlier if they'd been quicker with the discharge... I stayed with him, being the annoying "patient's companion," chasing down snacks and nurses for pillows and because the monitor machine said he didn't have any blood pressure. I'm sure I was a total pest. But he felt much better as we were there and his mood perked up...

Anyway, we both got home by one and I collapsed asleep, but I found out this morning that Ryter later puked up the pills they gave him in the hospital and then couldn't go to sleep.

Plus the 3rd floor showers were being cleaned, and someone shat on the floor in the 2nd floor one, so rather than go upstairs and wait in line (since EVERYONE was going there) I decided to just shower tonight. So as I've been running around with a heavy backpack going in to Dover and then Ecology lab today, it's been on less-than-normal levels of sleep and no shower, and all the stress of Ryter being sick...

Goddammit, I hope the neurologist can help him...

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